Team name | Lineup |
Broomzillas | Skip: Emilie Owens Third: Olivia Cameron Second: Georgia Rempel Lead: Alayna Casemore |
Rock Squad | Skip: Elizabeth Pope Third: Brooke Tait Second: Emme Hoffart Lead: Avery Horan |
The Golden Girls | Skip: Analiese Bitz Third: Taylin Toderan Second: Isabella Newton Lead: Azalia Bitz |
Ackerman | Skip: Burke Ackerman Third: Eddie Hebert Second: Rider Wittal Lead: Tbd |
The Newbie’s | Skip: Quentin Quiring Third: Quintin Hall Second: Ben Eros Lead: Gemma Hall |
Game of Stones | Skip: Owen Laycock Third: Will Karsgaard Second: Reece Richter Lead: Jackson Fisher |